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Visit support.imas.net and add your ticket. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
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Susanne Neumann
Regional Director
Tel: +49 221 788 071 20
Mobil: +49 178 717 42 31
Mail: sn@imas.net
Naoufal Chaghouani
Key Account Manager
Tel: +49 221 788 071 22
Mobil: +49 151 141 048 52
Mail: nc@imas.net
IMAS Group Germany GmbH

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Hedvig Elevant
CTO / Country Manager Sweden
Phone: +46 705 71 61 00
Mail: he@imas.net​
Bjørn Harald Kirkerud
Key Account Manager Norway
Phone: +47 95113532
Edward H. Valholm
Key Account Manager Norway
Phone: +47 64 86 20 40
Mail: ehv@imas.net
David Kern Sloth
Key Account Manager Denmark
Phone:+45 31 54 21 14
Visist our local sites for more information on people counters.
Norway - kundeteller fra IMAS
Denmark - persontæller fra IMAS
Germany - personenzähler aus IMAS
Sweden - kundräknare från IMAS
IMAS Group Asia
IMAS Group Thailand
Monthira Boonpharawd
Country Manager
Phone: 66 65 3566953
Mail: mb@imas.net
Visit local site: www.imas.co.th
IMAS Group Indonesia
Waseso Adiatmo
Phone: +6221 8629000
Mail: waseso.adiatmo@imasasia.net
Visit local site: imasasia.net
IMAS Group India
Shashikant Singh Tomar
Phone: +91 90110 27377 / +258 84 742 3478
Mail: ss@imas.net
Visit local site: imas.net