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​Optimize retail stores with footfall data 

Flexible people counting solutions for retail stores. No binding time. +30 years’ experience. You can count on IMAS Group. 

FIND OUT this and much more

Number of people



Footfall and sales data in retail

We have more than 30 years of experience assisting retailers improving performance with the help data from people counters and cash registers.

​Whether you want to start measuring today or have done it for many years, we have solutions and services that will fit your needs. 


Store traffic

The first step when checking and improving store sales is to know how many visitors are entering through the doors. With our service Count & Comparison the stores get hourly updates on numbers of visitors entering/exiting, comparisons between periods and much more.


Personal support with control and maintenance is always included in the Xperio analytics platform.


Conversion rate optimization 

In our analytics portal Xperio, you can follow the stores conversion rate. This is by many considered one of the most useful KPI’s for stores that want to improve their operations. The conversion rate is the percent of visitors making a purchase and converting into customers.

By combining foot traffic and sales data, you can also plan your workforce in Xperio by utilizing the conversion rate.


Learn more about the IMAS Staff & Sales Forecasting tool.

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Grocery Shopping

Productivity analysis KPI

Besides traffic and conversion rate, you can run a wide range of productivity analyses in Xperio. Basket size, capture rate, turnover and sales per square meter are some of the KPI’s that will be displayed.

The analysis helps the store identify deviations to improve the visitor and customer experience, with the overall goal of increase sales and optimize staff hours.

See our guide “Calculate KPI’s for retailers

Tracking and dwell time

This is another option available, making it possible to track visitors’ or customers movements inside the store and see how long they stay in different zones. This is excellent when rearranging and maximizing store space.

Different techniques can be used to collect such information, for example, if the store has an existing WiFi network from Cisco, Aruba or Ruckus it may be able to start collecting such data without having to do any installation. Read about the  WiFi technology.  


Another option is using sensors inside the store to track movements and dwell time.

Get in touch with us, and we'll customize a proposal.


Analytic services retail stores

We offer a wide variety of data for retailers, here are some examples you can gather and analyze in IMAS analytics platform Xperio. 


Always included

Always included

Count & comparison





Analyze visitors entering/exiting. You need this service to have access to Xperio. 

Run productivity analyzes on visits, sales, customers and much more. 

See how visitors move and how long do they stay.

Differ between, children and adults entering, men and women.

Control and maintenance. Our personal support is always included in Xperio.


Compare against index, and much more

In Xperio you can compare the store against other stores in the chain, or against the country index and different shopping area districts in your region.

Example of reports

  • Productivity analyzes

  • Comparison

  • Entranace analysis

  • Dwell time

  • Peak visits

  • Demographics

  • Capture rate

  • Queue

  • Real time

  • Presence report

  • Heat map

  • Benchmark

  • Staff and sales forecast (scheduling)

  • Deviation report 

  • Staff productivity 

Store demographics  

See how many men, women, children, and adults are visiting the store. Great tool when following up on campaigns and activities.

Group counting

Group shoppers can behave differently from single buyers when moving in a store. For instance, a family is shopping together and one of them is paying for the entire group. It is important for business owners to know how the number of buying units visiting the store correlates with actual sales numbers.

View direction

Find out where the store visitors are paying attention. The store will get data on how many people are looking at signs and shelves.

Staff exclusion

With this service the sensor reads a tag on the staff and exclude them from being counted.

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All in xperio

In Xperio, you will find statistical data in the form of tables, charts, maps, heat maps and key figures. The system is user-friendly and built to do both simple and advanced in-depth analyses.

OPEN api

Xperio has a well-documented API with the ability to connect its own applications to retrieve and send data to and from systems.


Increase your Retail sales and save moneyFINING STORE SCHEDULING


IMAS Staff & Sales Forecasting tool prognoses and optimizes store performance by combining footfall traffid and sales data, making the retail store perform at is optimal level, every day, all year round. With this tool, you automatically schedule based on the store's forecasted sales and visits. 

How can we help you?

From us you can buy market leading people counters or pay a fixed monthly fee where everything is included for you to make visitor analytics, without any binding time or start fees. 

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Our Customers

We are fortunate to work with some of the best in the industry. Here are some examples. 

Contact us today

We are looking forward talking to you.

International presence

With over 30 000 installations and many hundred customers spread out across Europe and South East Asia we have established strong relations with our customers and suppliers. Our head office Nordic is located in Sweden, head office Europe in Germany and head office South-South East Asia in Thailand.

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