Stavanger City Center in Norway uses since earlier 10 IMAS Access Points WiFi and an equal amount of 3D people sensors to map the people flow in the city center. Now the city is investing in creating even better conditions for shops and visitors by increasing the number of access points to 25 WiFi nodes, which adds up to a total number of 35 sensors.

- People counting is one of the most important measurement parameters in a city center. We measure the development continuously and report this both to our members and to Stavanger municipality administratively and politically, says Kristin Gustavsen, Managing Director at Stavanger City Center.
One of the first cities to track People flow
Stavanger was one of the first cities in the Nordic region to invest in people counters and WiFi nodes to improve for stores, businesses, and visitors. The collection of information about number of visitors and visitor movements eases the decision-making process.
- It is valuable information in a normal situation but has also been extra useful during the corona pandemic. Here we can quickly measure the consequences of the pandemic and different changes taking place, says Kristin.
The information on the number of visitors and trading patterns is presented in a simple way via the IMAS portal Xperio.
Did you know: ​If you already have a WiFi network from one of the major suppliers, chances are good that you can get started and measure your visitors directly without having to do any installations.
People Flow with WiFi is great when you have large areas and want to measure places with many visitors. Everything is done according to GDPR regulations.